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Meditation / Mentoring
About Judith Merrill

Judith`s deep search for the meaning of life has lead her to take many courses, read many books and study many forms of meditation with many different teachers. About 5 years ago she was introduced to Jeddah Mali who is an international teacher/mentor who has developed a precise understanding of the structure and nature of human consciousness. Jeddah has called this structure the Model of Existence. Judith has spent the past 5 years working with the teachings and the Model of Existence and is a graduate of Jeddah’s Facilitator Training Programme and has been part of an International Support Team for Jeddah’s Advanced Conscious Progmmme. Embodying these teachings has been the most transformational experience she has encountered; it signifies the end to a lifelong search for meaning and to finally knowing the truth of her being.

Meditation / Mentoring

Judith is offering individual mentoring sessions where she teaches the Model of Existence.

The mentoring is done over of a minimum of 7 sessions and in each session one of the laws of existence is introduced and discussed. Each teaching is then given in a guided meditation. This is very powerful as the mind is not the tool for experiencing the expanded states of consciousness needed to access the true meaning of life. This is one of the main reasons for the pivotal experience that many report when they experience these teachings.

In meditation we are consciously present and experiencing the teachings through direct experience. This is the key to true knowing; once you have had the direct experience of how your eternal nature operates you know the truth of your Being. From this direct experience the teachings can then be applied to all life experiences since all of life is created from the same source energy.

Judith uses her deep listening skills and her understanding of the Model of Existence to hear where a person is not in alignment with their true nature and is caught in their personal identity (illusion). This is very powerful because as we shine the light of consciousness on the illusion we automatically free ourselves from the limitation and constriction we are experiencing….true freedom starts on the inside and then is created or reflected in our outer life. You will learn the skills and have the tools to continually re-align yourself with your eternal nature. The eternal nature of all of existence is one of expansion, light and harmony.

When the teachings are embodied they provide a navigational system that is like having an internal GPS. This allows one to consciously choose how to respond to life as it is arising versus reacting out of habitual patterns. There is no need to look outside for guidance because you can trust your internal guidance.

The benefits of being able to use the Model of Existence to navigate life are:

  • Faith in the absolute goodness of all of Existence
  • Deep love and trust in your being
  • Knowing you are always safe…the universe has your back!
  • Acceptance of everything as it is
  • Know that the expansive, light and harmony you are can never be diminished, no matter what is arising
  • Navigate challenges with certainty, kindness and self love
  • Peace, gratitude and joy in just Being
  • End to all seeking

Using the Model of Existence is like finally being given the operating manual for “living life as a spiritual being in a human body on planet Earth”

As part of the mentoring program you will receive a recording of the conversation and the guided meditation with the teachings for each weekly session so you can continue to embody the teachings between each session. It is highly recommended that you do the meditation a minimum of 4 times before the next session.

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“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein